Night time routine

Wearing makeup gives me security throughout the day. Although, I don’t wear much I feel more confident when I have it on. As the day goes on I can’t wait for nighttime to come so, I can wash all my makeup off to get the fresh clean feel.

First, I clip my hair to keep it away from my face.


Next, I take out my lubriderm lotion which I use as my makeup remover…fancy right? lol It works wonderfully and it’s inexpensive.


I skip this step 85% of the time but when my face needs a pick me up, I like to use this cleanser that my aunt gave me.


To conclude my routine, my grandmother would always tell me an old wives tale how braiding your hair into two tight braids at night promotes hair growth so, that is exactly what I do. Then, after braiding it I put it up into a bun.
