
Due to my health issues I’ve had to put school and work on hold like I’ve mentioned in a few of my old blog posts. My social life has taken a tumble because, I don’t go out much. I USED to have so many “friends” back when I was in school but, now I only have 3. It’s sad to see all my old “friends” having fun without me or seeing people my age doing all these cool things that I can’t do. To be honest I feel a little depressed. I have been slacking on my blog posts, baking, my appearance, my workouts, and just about everything else due this sadness that I feel. I’ve been trying to shake off this feeling for a few days but, it’s hard you know? Starting the month of July I hope to have a more positive outlook on things. I know my health issues are a slow work in progress so, I know in due time everything will fall into place.  I came across these flowers the other day and they made my day seem a little less cloudy      

I have been thinking about starting a YouTube channel that way I can connect on a more personal level with you guys. But, I’m not sure. Let me know what you guys think. Until the next blog post xoxo-Patricia

Public speaking

I am absolutely horrified by just the thought of having to talk in front of large groups! I get the worst anxiety, which triggers my IBS at times. I go to confirmation class once a week and my teacher likes our class to be interactive. I don’t mind answering questions when I’m in my seat but, oh my lanta when I have to stand up and talk/read na uh honey; I can’t deal. I’m still learning how to get over my public speaking phobia by using different techniques but, as of now I rate myself from 1 being the worst speaker to a 10 being the best a solid 4. Hopefully I can go from thinking hell no when I get called on to heaven yea in a few months.

At least these pretty flowers made my day a bit better. Goodnight everyone.


The right to love (late night thoughts)

I am not one to talk about religion because it’s a sensitive topic and I believe everyone is entitled to their own beliefs/opinions. What I will talk about is my belief in equality. The religion I grew up on does not believe in same sex marriage; however I do believe in it. Who am I to tell you who you can and can’t love? We all have different preferences. Everyone should have the right to love to whom they please. I’m straight, I’m attracted to men but my moms brother who lives with us is gay; does that mean I should treat him differently? Absolutely not! I love my uncle! He’s an amazing human being and I dislike when people make rude remarks towards him just because he has different preferences then what is perceived as “normal”. He should have every right to be happy with whoever he chooses. The sad thing is that not all of society believes that. I comprehend that everyone has their own opinions towards the topic but what I can’t wrap my head around is how some people think it’s okay to verbally abuse someone for it. It makes me disgusted that some people stoop so low to hurt another persons feelings without thinking about the impact they’re making on that persons life. If you don’t believe in same sex marriage that’s fine but don’t make others feel bad about it just because there preferences are different than yours. Stop the hate, spread love!

“Love is love.”


“If you have nothing nice to say don’t say anything at all.”