My Friday night 

I found a recipe for mango buttercream on Pinterest and I decided to give it a go. The ingredients were pretty simple mango puree, butter, and confectioners sugar. I was so excited! I gathered up all my ingredients (sugar not pictured) and went to work.  Unfortunately, I’m not sure what went wrong but, it was a soupy mess! When I added more sugar to thicken it, the flavor was just awful! I didn’t take a picture because, I was so upset lol. 

Now I’m spending my Friday night cleaning my kitchen aid mixer.     As well as preparing Easter eggs for my family gathering on Sunday.  

Hopefully everyone’s Friday night is going better than mine lol. 

The closet project 

I had been complaining to my dad for quite sometime about not having enough closet space. One day when he had some free time off work, we decided to look for a cheap closet storage system but, many of them were extremely overpriced! My dad decided to look on eBay and craigslest for something similar at a more reasonable price. He ended up finding a nice book shelf that worked perfectly inside my closet.

Before (the second door of my closet was way more disorganized so I didn’t take a picture)

Taking everything down

Final touches

Final outcome  (doors inserted back again not pictured)

The total cost of this diy project ended up being less than $100. I love how it turned out and the bonding experience that I had with my dad.

Spring and health

With spring quickly approaching I can’t help not look forward to a few things like, not being able to bake as much, sun rash, allergies, and shaving my legs lol. It’s been quite hot here in CA but, I can’t exactly rearrange my entire closet to spring clothes just yet because, the weather constantly changes. It can be hot one day and the next it could rain.

Due to the season changing my allergies have been at an all time high. Like, do you guys remember being in a quite class in school and one kid would sometimes sniffle throughout the entire class….well that is currently me almost all day lol. In addition to my allergies my ibs has flared up a bit so, my mom bought me flowers to cheer me up (:

She also made me caldo de pollo (chicken soup)

I do plan on posting more baking posts as soon as I feel better. The next few days my posts will consist of things non related to baking. Hopefully you guys don’t mind. Good night everyone ^.^

Buttercream problems 

Today was one of those days that no matter what I did, I couldn’t get my buttercream to the right consitency. I attempted to conceal my imperfect buttercream with sprinkles, happy birthday candles, and a few cake toppers.

Sidenote I can’t believe that it’s March already! These months are flying by. Have a good Sunday night everyone.

Chocolate three milks cake

My dad was on a chocolate kick this afternoon. I had made a tres leches (three milks) cake the night before so, I thought hey why not make a chocolate tres leches cake.

This is how it turned out

Here is the recipe link

Final thoughts

The cake is sweet but, not an overbearing sweet. It resembles a chocolate milk kind of taste(I think). Between a regular tres leches cake and a chocolate one my family prefers the regular version.

In case your wondering how I taste test desserts that I make that have milk or any other ingredients that I don’t tolerate, I take a small bite, I chew it, then spit it out lol.

Liebster award

I was nominated by one month ago. I feel so ashamed that I’m just getting to this now but, life has been  hectic.

Here are the requirements:
#1 Link the person who tagged you
#2 Answer the questions given by the nominator
#3 Nominate 2 other bloggers who have less then 200 followers
#4 Create 10 questions for the nominees to answer
#5 Notify all nominees via social media/blog
1. How you first came up with the idea of making a blog?
I came up with the idea of starting my blog because, I wanted to share with others my passion for baking.
2. Red or Pink Lips?
I like both but, I prefer pink lips.
3. Where’s your favorite place to travel?
I love peaceful places.
4. What are your next goals for your blog?
I would really love to post more and talk more to my followers…oh and to hit 100 followers by the end of this year.
5. Whats your favorite fashion piece?
Jeans…I feel like you can wear anything with a nice pair of jeans.
6. What inspires your blog the most?
The feedback I get from people
7. Who is your favorite Preppy Instagrammer?
My cousin Jocey is pretty preppy.
8. MarleyLIlly or J.Crew?
9. What do you love most about your blog?
I love how I can share things with people that have similar interests as me.
10. Flats or heels?
1. Why did you create your blog?
2. What do you like most about blogging?
3. Where would you like to travel to someday?
4. Summer or Winter?
5. Bright nail polish or dark?
6. Flats or heels?
7. I secretly love to?
8. My favorite food is?
9. What is your favorite fashion piece?
10. My favorite way to relax is by?

Valentine’s Day dessert ideas

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner here are some quick, and easy dessert ideas.

Strawberry pie
I used this recipe that I found on Pinterest

I bought my crust pre made.

Chocolate covered strawberries
I melted bakers semi sweet baking chocolate then, I dipped the strawberries in it. Before the chocolate dried up I decorated the strawberries with different things; sprinkles, heart candy, and red m&m’s.


Chocolate cupcakes with a Kahlua simple syrup



Cake Mix

I like to use, triple chocolate fudge by Betty Crocker but, I change the ingredients it calls for using this Pinterest method


For the simple syrup
Bring to a simmer equal parts of sugar and water. I used 1/4 cup of each. After it has simmered let it cool. Once cooled add one shot glass of Kahlua, and mix. Grab your pastry brush and start brushing the simple syrup onto your cooled cupcakes. I brushed each cupcake twice.


Chocolate buttercream
1/2 cup solid vegetable shortening
1/2 cup butter softened
Three 1 oz. semi sweet chocolate squares, melted
1 tsp clear vanilla extract
4 cups sifted confectioners’ sugar
3-4 tablespoons milk (or more depending on the consistency you want)
You can skip this step but, I always add Hershey’s unsweetened cocoa to give it a more chocolatey flavor. I never measure how much I add; I just add to taste on how sweet I want it that day.
I decorated them with a wilton 1m tip and the liners are from Walmart.


Our “sweater weather” didn’t last to long. Lately, the weather has been sunny and hot! Don’t get me wrong, I’m enjoying a bit of sunshine but, common where is the rain? Below are some of my favorite outfits, accessories, and other things that I’ve been loving lately.

Top-Gap Outlet


Top-Swap meet
Sandals-Steve Madden


Purse-Michael Kors


Necklace(left)-Wallgreens Necklace(right)-Forever21


I’ve been enjoying this body wash


Excuse my eyebrows, I’ve been lazy to do them. The natural look is in right lol? My current favorite mascara is Maybellines Falsies mascara.


Winter favorites

The temperature has finally dropped to a cool 45-70 degrees Fahrenheit this past month; Which means I finally get to wear fun accessories, and outfits.

Hair accessories I have really been enjoying wearing floppy hats, beanies, and head wraps. I feel like they add a nice touch to any outfit.

My hat is from Nordstrom(left) and H&M(right)

The top two headbands are from the juniors section in Nordstrom, and the bottom is from a vendor section in an outlet mall.

Top-Gap outlet Purse-Costco


Scent favorites (left to right)
Dragon fruit lotion from Ulta, Meow by Katy Perry, Escada, and Viva la Juicy by Juicy Couture.

Nail polish I have been loving Malaga Wine from OPI.

Indoor footwear

Slipper socks-JcPenny

These slippers are from Forever21

At first I didn’t think it was going to do what it advertised…but, it works! Lol


Christmas Eve

I decided to make my Christmas cakes with buttercream this year; Unlike last year when I used fondant. Even though, fondant looks prettier my family prefers buttercream frosting or no frosting at all under certain circumstances.


Using the star tip I tried my best to form a candy cane like shape.



I feel like this cake is missing something so, I will most likely add something to it later.


I wasn’t going for a ruffle type of look at the bottom but, my hand couldn’t get the right movement down so, this is what it came out like.


I made chocolate chip and m&m cookies.



Chocolate covered pretzels. The chocolate Santa Claus in the picture I bought from the 99 cent store.



Oreo balls– Blend 1 packet of Oreos and 8oz of cream cheese. Refrigerate for 20 mins then, roll into small balls. Place in freezer for 10 mins after rolling into small balls. Lastly, dip them into melting wafers and refrigerate to harden.

Here they are dipped. It’s apparent that my dipping skills aren’t good lol.



I used wilton candy melts for dipping. The dark cocoa melted better than the vanilla for some reason. I bought the treat bags from Walmart for $2.99 and the packet came with 100 bags plus the twist ties.

I will not be eating any of these desserts except for the snowman cake because, the rest I made with regular ingredients.